The best prices for car rental in Corvo

We compare the prices from local car hire companies

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Free cancellation

Cancel up to 24h before pick-up and get a full refund. No questions asked.

Rent the perfect car

Choose from all car types including Economy, Family Cars, Vans or Scooters.

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Our partners are local car rental companies, most of them family owned and managed.

What our Customers say

Rent a car in Corvo

Corvo is by far the remotest island of the archipelago and most surely rate as one of the most isolated places in all Europe. It is the tiny elusive gem at the apex of the Azores crown. Day visitors from Flores making the boat crossing in summer are increasing, but for the true traveller intent upon getting a feel for this island there are only 8 rooms in a small hotel or a simple camping site available there.